Agricultural Community Information

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The RM of Lac du Bonnet acknowledges the key role agricultural community members and producers play in the fabric of our community. Council and staff strive to maintain open lines of communication with this key group through periodic meetings and consistent correspondence.

Northeast Red Watershed District

The RM of Lac du Bonnet is a member of the Northeast Red Watershed District (NERWD.) Because the RM is a member, the NERWD has funding/grants available to agricultural producers and farmers within the RM of Lac du Bonnet for a variety of programs. See here for NERWD program and application information.

RM of Lac du Bonnet Agricultural Community Survey

The RM conducted a survey to collect feedback and opinions from the agricultural community on an awareness/signage campaign the RM is planning.

The survey was conducted online through SurveyMonkey with a deadline of May 20, 2024. We thank all those who took time to provide their perspectives. 

Past meeting minutes

Agricultural Community Meeting Minutes: July 23, 2024

Agricultural Community Meeting Minutes: Feb. 20, 2024

Agricultural Informational Meeting Minutes: July 26, 2023