When making payments please include your roll number as displayed on the top right-hand corner of your property tax bill or as listed as your account number on your receipts.
For online payments you must enter all digits, but do not enter the decimal point.
Would you like to help us go paperless? Please send your email address to rmldb@lacdubonnet.com and request to have your receipts emailed to you.
For more information please see: Methods of Payment Policy
For more information regarding accepted methods of payment, please click on the desired payment method below.
Tax Installment Payment Program (T.I.P.P)
The Tax Installment Payment Program (T.I.P.P) is a monthly tax installment payment plan which allows ratepayers to make monthly preauthorized payments for property taxes rather than a single annual payment in September. The Tax Installment Payment Program runs from January to December.
To sign up for the T.I.P.P a Tax Installment Payment Program (T.I.P.P) Agreement Form must be completed and returned to our office along with a copy of a deposit slip or a void cheque.
The withdrawals are made on the 15th of each month except in cases where the 15th falls on the weekend or a holiday, the withdrawals will be made on the next business day following the 15th.
NOTE: If you own multiple properties in the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet, you must complete one application per property.
E-Transfers can be sent to rmldb@lacdubonnet.com.
Please send an additional email to rmldb@lacdubonnet.com with the following details
- The answer to the question you provided on your e-transfer
- Your roll number
- What you are paying for (property tax, utility etc.)
- Contact Information
Please ensure daily withdrawal limit covers remittance.
Credit Cards
The Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet now accepts credit card payments online through the secure OptionPay system (we also accept credit card payments over the phone and in person at our administrative office.)
OptionPay is a third-party payment processor that charges a tier-based processing fee for credit card payments. All processing fees are charged by OptionPay and are not received by the RM of Lac du Bonnet. Please see here for OptionPay’s fee rate table.
OptionPay provides information on their security measures here. Please note that the RM of Lac du Bonnet takes no responsibility for, and accepts no liability, in the event of security breaches, technical difficulties, or other issues that may arise from your use of OptionPay. All users accept responsibility for their use of this service and do so at their own risk.
Ready to make your payment? Click the logo below.
Online Banking
Payments can be accepted through online banking with the following institutions:
Property Tax Payments
Royal Bank of Canada - Lac du Bonnet (Rural Municipal) tax
Scotiabank - Lac du Bonnet (mun) taxes
Access Credit Union (formerly Sunova) - Lac du Bonnet, RM of
All other Credit Unions - Lac du Bonnet (Rural Municipality)
Utilities Payments
Scotiabank - Lac du Bonnet - Utilities
Online Banking Set-up Instructions
When setting up the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet with your online banking system for the first time:
1. Add a Payee
2. Search Lac du Bonnet in the Payee search field
3. Select the correct name according to the list above – Please ensure it is the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet and not the Town of Lac du Bonnet as they may have similar accounts
4. Enter your account number, which is your roll number as displayed on the top right-hand corner of your Property Tax Bill or as listed as your account number on your receipts. You must enter all digits, but do not enter the decimal point.
NOTE: Most financial institutions take 2-4 business days to process the online payment. Penalties will be applied if the payment is not received by the due date.
We accept cash at our Municipal Office.
Please address Cheques to the Rural Municipality of Lac du Bonnet. Please include your Roll number in the memo field.
Roll numbers can be found on the top right side of your property tax bills or are listed as your account number on your receipts.
Box 100
Lac du Bonnet, MB
R0E 1A0
Please be advised we have a mail slot at our Municipal office to drop off your payment after hours.
Money Order
We accept money orders at our Municipal Office.